Veneers in Aubrey

What are veneers (also known as laminates)?

Veneers (also called laminates) are a popular cosmetic option for people with chipped or stained teeth. They can also help fill in teeth that have gaps. They are thin covers for the front of your teeth made of resin or porcelain and will blend in very naturally.

When are dental veneers a good option for me?

Many people have staining on their teeth that even teeth whitening has trouble removing. Sometimes excessive fluoride or antibiotics can cause discoloration. Veneers can restore the color to your smile!
Another use for veneers are for teeth that have been very heavily worn or chipped from biting on hard foods. Alternatives for veneers can include dental composite restoration when the amount of tooth being restored is less. Dental crowns can be better options for when the amount of restoration is greater.

What should I expect with veneers?

Dr. Caroline Tran will walk you through what to expect during the procedure. To prepare the teeth for veneer placement, the front and sides of the teeth will need a bit of enamel removed. This is to create a natural placement for the veneer.
An impression of your teeth are then taken so that a lab can custom shape a veneer that looks great with your natural teeth. The color of your smile will also be matched for the ceramic veneer.
A temporary veneer is then placed until the lab can send in your permanent veneer. A second visit will be scheduled for the placement of the permanent.
When you come in for your veneers, they will be permanently bonded to your teeth and cleaned. They will be checked to make sure they fit, look great and that you have a comfortable bite.
Please remember that while very durable, patients who tend to clench and bite their teeth at night might damage their veneers. Proper oral care must be observed so that the surrounding teeth and gums remain healthy.

If you’re in Aubrey or surrounding areas, please call our office at 940-365-3326 to get more information about Veneers in Aubrey.